Last night I watched Laws of Attraction again with one of my brothers. I love the movie! Of course Pierce is so "luscious" and that voice...
Laws of Attraction is similiar to Adam's Rib, which I equally love! Look at those covers, they even look the same! Laws of Attraction has more Love in it though than in Adam's Rib, in my opinion. Look at the smiles...a smile where every cell of your being is happy.
It is interesting that Julianne's character does not believe in marriage yet she believes divorce should only be the last resort & one should ride out the rough patches. Pierce's character also believes you should fight for a marriage. I find it so heart-warming that Pierce's character is the one who loves marriage, being in love & how he feels about her. He seems to "know her" and still loves her, even with her flaws or defenses. He even understands how she is an intelligent and respected person & yet is insecure. He seems to respect her highly.
Of course the scenes in Ireland are just beautiful & reminded me of my 2nd favorite movie "The Quiet Man" (It's A Wonderful Life is #1). In some ways their characters are the same. They have that love "friction" also! :-) You know think about this...all three movies have women with Red hair! Hmmm! I can just imagine if I was a redhead! Ha! I just love the scene when John Wayne grabs MaureenO'Hara's arm & swings her around & kisses her! :-)
Some of my favorite quotes:
Pierce: "I may be old fashion, but I believe when you love someone you should be unselfish enough to give them what they want" (in response to giving her the divorce she asks for) I totally agree with this quote. If it is really love then you want them to be happy, even if it is not with you! You may get upset or angry with them but you can't hate them, even if you wish you could.
Airline ticketer to Julianne: "Were you meant to be with him" Quite interesting!
Pierce: About divorce: People discover they have a fight they never thought was in them. Where was that passion to save the marriage.
Pierce: I don't lie...when have you ever heard me lie? "Comforting!"
Pierce: Lets be honest, you were lost before you met me, oops slightly metaphorical.
Pierce: Why would somone so accomplished and as clever as you be so insecure?
Julianne: You better not leave me (not married yet....hmmm)
Julianne: There are no psychoanalytical shortcuts into my pants. "Love that one!"
Pierce: ...because that was not your position last night...assuming you remember last night's position. ;-)
I wonder why it is that most of these quotes are Pierce's?
BTW...Has anyone had the two drinks they mention in the film? The Goat Nut one I did find on the web. I've never had it though & well maybe I'd try it...once! Ha!
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