Monday, June 27, 2005

Monday Photo Shoot: Get Hungry


Ok here is my Monday Photo Shoot for what makes me hungry! Yes, these are my pictures John!

If I could only live on Fisherman's Wharf! :-) Well, only 4 types of Shrimp in my freezer currently, but it would not be unusually to find even more! Lobster would also be welcome anytime! 

If I couldn't have shrimp, I would probably take Bar-B-Que! Everyone has their favorite sauce & it can be quite a "heated" discussion! :-) Mine is the Bulls-Eye line. Now, Little Dooey's in Starkville, MS has "the best" pulled Bar-B-Que pork & chicken but, it is quite a "road trip" to head there! They do let you order their sauce online though! :-)  

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