I'm providing this from the site you can go to & email this message to your friends & family! Please sign the petition & forward to your friends! The link is below!
What are these congressmen in Washington thinking? What will kids be watching then? There is enough sex & violence on tv...why take the little bit safe for kids away? So then what will these kids be like later? And God knows when they are more delinquent our officers will not get more money from Congress to keep up! Ugh! Ok, fund violence & take peaceful, educational programming away...ya that makes a lot of sense. I say we find out who came up with this on the panel & how they all vote & then vote them out if they support this! Heck, I'm angry enough to run for office & I hate politics...this is exactly why! Who is wasting their time coming up with this & spending our tax dollars on this? Don't forget if they are in office for 2 terms they will get a lovely retirement for the rest of their lives for voting on this issue! UGH! This is like the judge in "Miracle on 34th Street!" Well they come up with "No Child Left Behind" and don't fund that...in fact, with the recent education cuts it just confirms we need to get rid of some of these goofy congressmen. Where is the younger generation? We need to make an effort to get into congress & make changes! I say we sick "Animal" (My favorite Muppet!) on them! And the older generation complain about the younger generation getting worse...well no wonder! Remember you are the ones who provide the example & make the decisions which affect who they become!
"You know that email petition that keeps circulating about how Congress is
slashing funding for NPR and PBS? Well, now it's actually true. (Really.
Check the footnotes if you don't believe us.)
A House panel has voted to eliminate all public funding for NPR and PBS,
starting with "Sesame Street," "Reading Rainbow," and other
commercial-free children's shows. If approved, this would be the most
severe cut in the history of public broadcasting, threatening to pull
the plug on Big Bird, Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch.
Sign the petition telling Congress to save NPR and PBS:
If we can reach 250,000 signatures by the end of the week, we'll put
Congress on notice. After you sign the petition, please pass this
message along to any friends, neighbors or co-workers who count on NPR
and PBS.
The cuts would slash 25% of the federal funding this year -- $100
million -- and end funding altogether within two years [1].
In particular, the loss could kill beloved children's shows like "Sesame
Street," "Clifford the Big Red Dog," "Arthur" and "Postcards from
Buster." Rural stations and those serving low-income communities might
not survive. Other stations would have to increase corporate
As the House and Senate consider this frightening effort to kill public
broadcasting, they need to hear from its owners -- you.
Thank you
P.S. You can learn more about the threat to public broadcasting from our
friends at Free Press at:
1. "Public Broadcasting Targeted By House," Washington Post, June 10, 2005
2. "CPB's 'Secrets and Lies': Why the CPB Board Hid its Polls Revealing
Broad Public Support for PBS and NPR," Center for Digital Democracy, April
27, 2005
3. "Republican Chairman Exerts Pressure on PBS, Alleging Biases," New York
Times, May 2, 2005
In Case You Forgot, It’s Black History Month
2 days ago
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