Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Teddy Story


I've really been exhausted since starting back to school last Wed. Talked with my general doctor & she says it is not surprising since I have not been doing much for 6 weeks in a cast & crutches by themselves is exhausting. She warned me not to push it too much that I would just make it worse. I'm to rest as much as I can...Ha! Just takes times she said. Ugh! Not good for a person who is use to running around & getting so much done in a day! Maybe it is true? There is a story which says God has a number & it is the number of breaths you have in your life. If you are stressed all the time & taking fast shallow breaths then that meter clicks off those numbers fast, but if you take deep long breaths then it goes slow. Maybe I am slowing down those numbers right now? :-)

I wanted to share with you a story which I first heard Dr. Dyer recite in one of his videos. He called it "The Teddy Story" but it is now a book called "The Braclet". You'll find online! I received it in an email recently so if you click here you'll be able to read it!

I hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Deborah,
Are you taking extra protein powder/ It doesn't add weight and my accupuncturist says it helps...I hope you feel energized soon! hugs! I too like Dr. Dyer but I cannot access his article on the site..I will try again later! hugs