Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ugliest Dog??

Oh my! I don't think this dog should be reciting "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall..." Did you all see the Ugliest Dog "Sam"? Wow! Check out the video and then there is a much too clear photo on this blog.

Enough to give you nightmares, though I do recall when I was living in Mississippi I went to the shelter and there was a dog, black lab type I believe, who had every joint going the opposite way. Blew my mind. This dog had no clue...he/she was jumping so energetically like any other young dog. I just watched him & talked to him & I tell you, if I had a house, I would have gotten him for as long as he did survive. I did wonder if any of internal organs may have problems but perhaps not. I still remember him after 9 yrs! :-)

Can you imagine the parents of this dog..."That's your genes...nope yours because..." Ha!


Anonymous said...

Hey Thanks! That was the funniest or should I say ugliest dog I've ever seen! What a great way to start my day. Could you imagine having a dog like that?
          Thanks again, Rhonda

Anonymous said...

hi that dog is so unusual! I wish Ihad seen the one in Mississippi! And what did you think of Mississippi....thanks, love,nat

Anonymous said...

OMG... my guy told me about this dog and blog.  Oh, I cannot bare to look at the photos, poor thing.