Take a look at this website called Interactive Dad! I received it today & it looks pretty good. Their idea is interesting. It also remind me of John's Entry on how men & women's entries are different...men preferring more serious colors, straighter lines & more serious typography. It is much more serious, very few visual pictures etc. Interesting!
"Gone are the days of Ward Cleaver. Today's dad has new priorities. He wants a satisfying career and time with his family. He wants to be an equal partner. Not just a paycheck." The mission of Interactive Dad is 'to be the premier source of information for fathers on issues relating to family and finance; to connect dads worldwide; and to advocate for today’s dads who struggle to balance fatherhood and career.' Here's an online magazine for dads focusing on what dads care about most, family and finance. The site is constantly updated with new, original articles on just about every subject on which a dad might need information. Come browse the articles; you'll be amazed at the resources available to help dads, whatever their particular situation, be better Dads!"
Ok dads, let me know what you think of the site. Let others know if you found something useful.
Hi! I found a link to your journal in another. I came over here to see what you had to say.... I like it. :)
I noticed that Cumberland Falls, Ky is in your favorites. My family and I go there several times a year. It is a beautiful place, isn't it?
Dear Deborah,
How cool!
Thanks! love,natalie
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