Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pet's Christmas List!

Take a look at this site:

Pretty cool! I'm loving that kitty couch! I think Dusty would love it.  The racing fish...that could be hours of fun! :-) I'd put in some kind of flower in there for color though....grass? I think the cats would be there & go "forget the grass I want a fish!"

YIPES! Look at some of those prices! Sorry Dusty, gas prices are cutting your christmas wish list a bit. Well, I'd probably still spoil him & skimp on myself! HA!  Amazing what unconditional love can do huh! :-)


Anonymous said...

My furry critters get more than I do for Christmas lol They are so spolied.

Anonymous said...

I always purchased gifts for my pets....they are a part of the family :).

Anonymous said...

Amazing the lengths we'll go for our pets....we bought our mastiffs their own twin size mattresses to sleep on...we put one on each side of our bed so they can sleep in comfort...

Anonymous said...

sweet! that cat looks so happy! good choice Deborah

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%!