Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dreams & Wishes!

Natalie has a lovely poem "Will You Meet Me In Your Dreams" which is being higlighted in CarnivAOL that I love! I think we all can relate to meeting someone in ours (or their) dreams! :-)
It reminds me of Diamond Rio's song "One More Day" (Watch Video) which I love but it makes me cry all the time! :-(

I love the "Will you Dance with Me" in the poem. I would add...

Hold My Hand Again
Kiss me
Hug me/Hold me

Oh boy...better stop there.... ;-)


Anonymous said...

don't ya just love it when you find yourself crying over something "sappy"?.. sheesh.. I was bawling my eyes out yesterday watching Oprah.. sometimes ya wonder why?  all those good things aren't happening to me so why am i crying?

on another note.. i must be blind or just never fully awake when i read the journals cause i never noticed the Lilacs in the side bar and they are my favorite flower!!  makes me want to go look around and when i find a bush steal some off of someones property lol lol...

Anonymous said...

Dearest Deborah,
Awww! thank you so very much!what did you think of the falling flower/
what do you make of my latest poem?
Hey Deborah (winkk wink) will I see one of your poems up soon? love ya! hugs those cats for me and have a great weekend!love,nat