Saturday, April 22, 2006

Naked Carpenter...OK!

Ok, did you guys hear about the
naked carpenter? No this is not a joke! HA! Check the link...this guy gets naked to crawl under a house. The homeowner walked in on him naked. He says, he was naked "because he didn't want to soil his clothes and that it gave him a better range of motion & that a skilled craftsman can work clothing -- and injury -- free."

If that isn't just a typical male excuse. Ya, all the guys will be saying "I'm a 'skilled craftsman'" HA! How come I don't get the guys who want to work on my car or do repairs for me nude? HA! Ladies, are your boyfriends or husbands working around the house nude for you?

Can you imagine the officer listening to this one! All the officers would go naked because they didn't want to get dirty. Then before you know it the firemen, landscapers, and construction workers would not want to get dirty....oh man....give me a few minutes here to imagine this! ;-) Ahhhhh! HA! Oh....ICK...sorry all of a sudden I remembered we just may not wanted all of them naked! HA! 

Then the guys says, "In certain situations such as demolitions where you are smashing rock you want to be clothed and protected because this rock can harm you," Well isn't he a smart one! They didn't have a picture! I'm thinking he isn't Mr. McDreamy you know! HA!


Anonymous said...

The words "Plummer's crack" came to mind....eeww....


Anonymous said...

Don't think I would want to be using a nail gun while naked.....nope.....not gonna....


Anonymous said...

My bunker gear (the suit firefighters wear) will never come off when I'm fighting a fire.  Might burn my you-know-what!  David