Well, the only thing that makes is a bit better with a bad start to the Cubs season is.....
The Soxs Chocked after being tied! :-)
I'd like to ask you all for some prayers...
First, my oldest niece flew back in from my folks in AZ & met her mom's plane to see her great-grandmother who was in the hospital & they "finally" found out she had cancer. When the plane came in they had a call already that she had coded & was on life support & they were waiting for the girls to get to the hospital. They took her off & she passed away about 4:45am. My other niece does not know yet. Her plane comes in on Sun. The wake will be Sun & Funeral Mon so far we think. If you can please keep them in your prayers I would appreciate it.
Also, my "baby bro" (don't tell him I said that!) had some idiot come from behind & hit him in the face. Busted cheek bone...nasty looking eye right now. He sounds ok & I'm sure he is also putting on a brave front for me as all men tend to do "I'm fine!" Ah ha! Ha! If you could still keep him in your prayers. Man I wish I was there...no...as much as a tiny part of me would have liked to deck the idiot who is a coward in my mind for coming from behind, I know I would be just as bad as him. He should pay very dearly. I tried to convince my "I'm fine" brother that this IDIOT is probably dealing with things like this in his life and so he may be hitting his kids or a wife or whomever & it must be stopped! I don't put up with that...but to guys this is just a scrap on the playground you know...UGH! Hopefully, he will see the potential seriousness to this & press charges.
Ok, gotta get in the shower & deal with this god awful hair...the longer it gets the wilder it looks in the morning! No wonder those woman in the old days would put it up in a ponytail or something overnight! HA! To me that would be worse I'd think? I'm getting it trimmed & sparkly tomorrrow morning! Nope...I'm letting it grow. It is getting so long now & I love it. Have a good day!
Hi Everyone!
I'm not sure what message God is sending me tonight or trying to reinforce what I have in me but...
First, I see on AOL this article on "How To Know He is a Keeper" Did you see it? I liked it & agree I think with everything. What do you think? Although true for whether she is a keeper too I think.
Next, Oprah comes on with Seal & Heidi. I was surprised how good it was & found myself saying where are more men like him! HA! He kept holding Heidi's hand, they get married every year (I LOVE that idea!) and he says his wife comes first, then family & then career. I love that. I have told people God was first & then that order. I think really God comes through how you are with the rest of the order. It is your relationships with God that grounds you on what your purpose is on this planet & thus makes the rest make sense & tells you what your priorities are in order. Maybe that is just me though? He also said that Heidi is his best friend or buddy first & then his wife. He said when you are best friends there is respect & you don't want to hurt them or disappoint them etc. I love that idea too & do believe that. I remember he said he learned the idea of "Happy Wife, Happy Life" Ha! I think that would be true if the wife equally says "Happy Husband, Happy Life" and it is not one sided or either takes advantage etc. It should give you please & make your heart warm to make their heart warm, make them smile & yes even cry with happy tears as he did when Heidi found his foster family & got them together.
Thanks God for the reminder & reinforcing this. It makes me smile & say yes...worth waiting for! :-)
Hi Everyone!
Yes, I'm still alive...just been soooo busy since I got back from Spring Break! I'll explain later.
Wanted to let you all know though of "Lights Out" for March 29th! 8-9pm we are asked to participate in turning off our lights, all but for safety, to help with Global Warming. I think an easy thing to do! :-)
Hi Everyone!
The problem is....it ends! HA!
This is the mountain in my folks backyard! Isn't it lovely! It is the Santa Ritas! They got snow on it earlier this week. So sad...I leave to go home tomorrow! I would like to stay a little bit longer. Time sure flies...guess I was having fun then. My sis & nieces are flying here tomorrow though. I will spend my Easter with my bros & then I'll have to go see Dr. Z & pick up Country before work Mon! Ugh! But....only 7 more weeks & then finals week! :-) YA! Summer is going to be here before you know it! I am teaching the summer but only 2 days a week & so that will be soooo nice.
Lets see...yesterday we went shopping for Easter and then in the evening we went out to dinner and visited our 7 churches for Holy Thursday I have traditionally done with my folks for many years. My folks use to walk to them when they were kids, but they lived in an area where every couple of blocks there was a church then. Dad has fun mapping them all out. It was fun seeing new churches here and what they look like. I also sat outside in the sun for a bit & read my book for my class.
Today, I actually slept an hour later than all week. My clock is off since it is 2 hours earlier here. We made a few returns & went out for a lovely fish fry. I colored Easter Eggs tonight...the signs of Easter...multi colored fingers! HA! To Do List....major manicure! HA! Tomorrow mom will take them to be blessed with the food. I'll miss it for the first time as I will be in the air flying! I'll lose the 2 hours too so I won't get back until late. It was about 80 degrees here today...not the same 80 as back home. In fact...my folks place is 78 degrees in it right now & man it is totally comfortable! They have ceiling fans but still...so great to not have to pay for air conditioning! OH...I forgot to tell you. I was watching the birds...I guess I was a peeping Tom....one poor male dove was getting rejected by 3 females. He kept trying to "surprise them from behind" but he never got any satisfaction! HA! Well, then I hear the quail sqwaking and I turn & look & there goes a bobcat!!!!! It was soooo cool! My dad went out later & I followed him to see if he could get a picture! Don't ask...same reason men go out to watch the tornado coming! HA! Ok, I can't tease too much because I will sometimes too. HA! We couldn't find it though. Probably a good thing.
I only have 4 more items on the Find It game! HA! I just hate the fact though that I have to leave & have not found them. I'm going to have to get one for me...maybe for my office to chill! HA! Wait...I think it is frustrating too so?? Hmmm?
Well...that is it for now...later...
Hi Everyone!
Sorry a bit late...
Yesterday my folks too me to the DeGrazia Gallery which I really liked.
Then we went to the San Xavier del Bac Mission which was lovely. They are still restoring it but it was still great. I climbed up 1/2 way this mountain that had this cross on top.
When I got to the part I had to climb on rocks I watched others do it, then thought of Dr. Z...he'll kill me if I screw up my ankles or my broken toe. Then I thought of my back & it was earlier in the week. I didn't want to ruin my spring break my folks were so lovely treating me to. I said, "Ok, this will be something I can come back for & I went 1/2 way so that was a good compromise. I did more than I might have so that felt like I still achieved something & didn't let it stop me totally!
Then later in the evening we picked up a friend from our neighborhood I grew up in as a little girl that is living here for the winter & we went out for a lovely corn beef & cabbage dinner, I usually ask for it on my family birthday party (shhh next entry!). It was fun. We then came home & mom, dad & I watched a show on Ansel Adams which was fascinating. Dad has me addicted to NCIS with Mark Harmon. My brother got me addicted to Stargate. Boston Legal isn't on tonight as far as I can tell?
Well, I'll post on today later. Hope you had a lovely day of Green yesterday!
Hi Everyone!
I'm flying out tomorrow (technically today) in the afternoon for AZ! Spring Break is soooo needed right now. My parents are treating me to come see them. I need it. I've been sooooo busy the last couple of weeks. This morning I was up north, then classes then took the train to Chicago for PT...then run errands before I leave....I'm exhausted again just thinking about it!
Oh I have SUCH happy news! It made me cry tears of joy! My PT people moved 2 floors up to a bigger place & they had a Total Gym in there. I said it was a tease since I have not been able to use mine since I injured my foot like 7 yrs ago. My PT said I could do it! I was soooo overwhelmed. I was on it & just it was the most incredible feeling! Like I was back in a way to where I was before I injured my foot. I love my Total Gym. When I get back I'm on it! Watch out! I thought my back would not let me or what else the ankles, knees etc. Oh...btw I broke my baby toe again last week! I was wondering I mean it was really bigger & I couldn't really bend it & it was all arthritic I thought. Well a year ago Dec I broke it in 2 places & one is the chip that is floating so I thought maybe that moved or the weather. Dr. Z wanted to x-ray it. Sure enough big ol diagnal break all the way through. And it shifted down. He taped it up anchoring to my foot...dang it hurts now. It was probably hurting less lately because I had been taking 800 mg of Motrin & ES Tylenol for my back. I thought I had herniated more because I was in pain, and tingling & numb back of my calf etc but last couple of days soooo much better. My PT said it may have been from walking wrong from my toe & since he taped it I'm walking better??? I don't know. I'm just glad it is better. My feet are still not the best but not getting tons worse.
Ok, what else? I have to finish packing oh...I have to take Country to the vet to be boarded because he is now taking his Thyroid meds 2 times a day & a higher does. They said his liver is starting to show problems & he heart may be. They want to do an echocardiogram. Sigh...he has lost like 2 lbs in 2 weeks but I thought it was his tooth. They cleaned them but could not pull it because it is likely to break off & he couldn't do the root. I have to take him somewhere special for that but they want the heart looked at first. I need to get a second job just for my babies! I definitely will get pet insurance with any future babies.
Well...I need to get some sleep & finish packing. If I don't get to post during the week I will when I get back...maybe some pictures also.
Happy 18th Birthday to my Sweet Baby!!!
Dusty is my first pet I got as an adult! I was interning at the time, living in my first apt! He is my Baby!
H is my big man now & you would nevre know he is 18 yrs old! He runs around the room like the Road Runner & all you see is this silver streatk go by! He jumps with a big arch half way across the room!
Dusty was not purchased as a pure breed but he looks just like the breed that came out around the time he was born called the Nebelung. Check out the breed!
He won quite a few 1st place ribbons when I shoed him in his first few years!
Dusty LOVES to just sit in the warm sun & strike a pose!
I do need to take some new pictures! I'll see if I can upload them soon!
Dusty got a new scratching post today with feathers hanging from it to play, some great fish food & treats from the Organic Pet place up north, some toys...yep I spoil him rotten! :-)
Well I have to go play with him....Later! :-)