Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'll Take the Funny Man!

Woo Hoo...George is on the Market again! Come on over George....


Anonymous said...

I'm sure a lot of women will be happy to hear that.

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder about a man who gets to his age and has never settled down with one woman.  He may be very good looking, but obviously something is sadly lacking somewhere.  I would not think he would be a very good choice for anyone who is looking to settle down for the long haul.

Anonymous said...

Oh I would not say that. First, he is a celebrity who travels & gets involved with organizations etc. Next, people are doing career first. I mean have not yet & let me tell you if guys have as hard of a time as women then I understand. I'm not settling either! There are just boundaries you do not calling me names or doing mean things to others! No smoking, gotta like kids & make time for relationships & family etc...just too many out there that are not fun & want to explore & no life is short & you need to have fun & not just sit on your butt & watch tv all the time!